Monday, March 16, 2015

The Black Jester ( Kings of New Orleans Book 1) By Emily Ford

The Black Jester
(Kings of New Orleans Book 1)
By Emily Ford

Synopsis From GoodReads:

Kings of New Orleans, Episode One. Every King has his Jesters. In New Orleans, the Kings are ambitious men with clashing agendas who seized power after Hurricane Katrina, and the Jesters are their muscle.

However, one man has begun to peek behind the curtain and realize what’s happening. Detective Jenkins of the New Orleans Police Department is always one step behind the so-called Black Jester, a suspect in the murdering of dozens of shady businessmen in the city. On the run and scared, a young woman named Rose White finds herself caught up with the vigilante – and entangled in a much larger power struggle within the city.

The Detective must determine Rose’s role, if any, and find out who the Black Jester is before the body count reaches epic proportions.

My Review

3.5/5 stars

This book didn’t take me long to read. At 184 pages I read it at night in one sitting.

So I liked Rose I think she made a decent character and her predicament was one that was interesting and heartbreaking.

I like the idea of the Kings of New Orleans and them having Jesters to help protect the people. We seem to meet the Jesters when they are younger in the prologue and I liked trying to guess what name went with what Jester. The Black Jester of course being the star of the story was really interesting he seemed to be one of those dark troubled characters who deep down have a sweet side. He kind of has a crazy split personality which makes the story and him that more interesting.

So it didn’t draw me in like some books are apt to do but it did keep my interest even though at points it was slow or repetitive or even if the flow just felt off. I’ll more than likely read the rest that come out in this series because of the whole concept of the Jesters and the Kings alone. I’m hoping this series picks up on the action and gets better because I really do like the concept of it.

Great ending that make you look forward to the next book, interesting characters, Intriguing story, light romance, some action.

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